lundi 10 janvier 2022

sciences,energies,environnement / WEEK 2 PROGRAMME DES TRADUCTIONS

J’extrais d rapport hebdo de SCIENCE x les communications suivantes a vous traduire et commenter cette semaine : 1/ NASA's new space telescope 'hunky-dory' after problems fixed by Marcia Dunn 2/ Chinese tokamak facility achieves 120-million-degree C for 1,056 seconds by Bob Yirka , 3/ Physicists watch as ultracold atoms form a crystal of quantum tornadoes by Jennifer Chu, Massac 4/ Several asteroids are heading towards Earth: How we deal with threats by Monica Grady, The Conversation 5/ Astronomers find mysterious dusty object orbiting a star by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 6/ Matter and antimatter seem to respond equally to gravity by RIKEN

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