lundi 14 mars 2022

Sciences Energies Environnement :: week10 .programme prévisionnel de traduction

1/Scientists confirm thermonuclear fusion in a sheared-flow Z-pinch device by Benny Evangelista, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2/Massive bubbles at center of Milky Way caused by supermassive black hole by University of Michigan 3/Mathematical discovery could shed light on quantum gravity by Joshua Worth, Chalmers University of Technology 4./Cosmic particle accelerator reaches theoretical limit by Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron 5/Physicists show how frequencies can easily be multiplied without special circuitry by Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg 6/Black hole billiards in the centers of galaxies may explain black hole mergers by University of Copenhagen 7/Researchers develop pressure-quench process to enhance superconductivity toward goal of wasting zero energy by University of Houston

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