lundi 28 mars 2022

Sciences énergies environnement /W12/Programme de traduction de la semaine

1/New experiment could confirm the fifth state of matter in the universe by University of Portsmouth 2/Quantum technology could make charging electric cars as fast as pumping gas by Institute for Basic Science 3/Astronomers reveal best image yet of mysterious odd radio circles in space by CSIRO 4/4/Gaia mission finds parts of the Milky Way much older than expected by European Space Agency 5/On Jupiter's moon Europa, 'chaos terrains' could be shuttling oxygen to ocean by University of Texas at Austin 6/Nearby star could explain why our sun didn't have sunspots for 70 years by Gail McCormick, Pennsylvania State University 8/Quantum physics sets a speed limit to electronics by Vienna University of Technology 8/Cosmic milestone: NASA confirms 5,000 exoplanets by Jet Propulsion Laboratory 9/

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